Oggi Cucino Vegetariano:
di ceci rinfrescante condita con una salsina fresca, ideale per assicurare
l’apporto nutritivo di questo legume.
in scatola (200 gr)
extra vergine d’oliva (3 cucchiai)
Rossa (1)
di limone (mezzo)
fresca (1 mazzetto)
e pepe
Passate i ceci in scatola (can) sotto il rubinetto per lavarli
bene prima di metterli a cuocere per alcuni minuti.
Una volta cotti, scolateli e metteteli da parte in una terrina
Da parte preparare la salsina con l'olio, il succo di mezzo
limone, sale, pepe, paprika, sesamo ed erba cipollina.
Lavate la menta sotto il rubinetto e tritatela finemente. Tagliate
la cipolla rossa in spicchi molto sottili.
Aggiungete la salsina, la menta tritata e la cipolla rossa ai ceci
e mescolate con cura per non schiacciarli.
Servite come contorno. Chick peas with Mint
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Yle Sambati, CEO of Cook in Puglia |
Refreshing salad of chickpeas topped with a fresh sauce, ideal to ensure the nutrition of this legume.
Canned chickpeas (200 gr)
Extra virgin olive oil (3 tablespoons)
Red Onion (1)
Lemon juice (half)
Fresh mint (1 bunch)
Salt and pepper, Chives, Paprika, Sesame
Pass canned chickpeas under the tap to wash them well before putting them to cook for a few minutes.
Once cooked, drain and set aside in a large bowl.
Prepare the sauce with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, paprika, sesame seeds and chives.
Wash the mint under the tap and chop finely.
Cut the red onion into very think slices
Add the sauce, chopped mint and red onion to the chickpeas
and stir carefully so as not to crush them.
Serve as a side dish
Cut the red onion into very think slices
Add the sauce, chopped mint and red onion to the chickpeas
and stir carefully so as not to crush them.
Serve as a side dish
Now you can learn the secrets of Italian Vegetarian Cooking with Cook in Puglia. A Vegetarian/Vegan event is planned this fall
Check the schedule of events and plan your adventure in Puglia!
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